This course expanded on traditional marketing concepts that emphasized the building of relationship and value with customers in parks, recreation and tourism experiences and services.  It provided a basic background in marketing, focused on practical sales techniques, proven approaches for targeting markets, and the role of the 4 P's

Throughout my PRT classes I have become exposed to various forms of marketing and advertising techniques. Outside of my University courses, I have experienced marketing at my job as a retail manager.  I strategize and develop frameworks of ideas that are than presented for upper management's approval.  These ideas stem from promotions, marketing, advertising, as well as, selling our brand and product(s). In PRT I have had the opportunity to head a group at the University of Utah's summer camp "Club U". Besides the small amounts of exposure in other areas of PRT, my experience is still growing as I become more familiar with my Major here at the U.

What makes someone successful?  The discovery of the golden circle is something creative but yet relatively simple.   As Simon mentioned there are three ideas; Why, how, and what.  I would agree with Simon that most companies understand their own company’s what (they do) and how (they do it).  It is most interesting however that most don’t understand the why to what they do.  It goes beyond earning a profit; every company in order to succeed needs to full-heartedly understand their purpose, cause, and beliefs. They need to interpret why their organization/company exists and why anyone else would care about it.  When markets focus on their “why” first and then their “how” and “what” they will trigger human behavior by emotions and feelings first and then a buyer can analyze the facts and figures second. 

Millennial's will rule travel in the future. Do you agree?

A millennial is defined by a person who reaches young adulthood in the early 21st century (approximately 1982-1999). Most individuals attending the University of Utah, fall under this category.  We are classified as millennials. According to the study, millennials are unique in the fact they we are the largest generation in history with a high interest in traveling and experiencing new things.  In fact, most would rather travel than buy expensive materialist items, like a new car, or a posh apartment. The study further explored the change in perceived life milestones, like marriage and mortgage, shifting to other focuses such as traveling.

            When Traveling, millennials are concerned about risk. This means not just making sure their safe but making sure that their experience is positive in all aspects.  Millennials want a guarantee that their experience will be both safe and successful, also termed as, a verified authenticity. They want to see and experience things as they truly are. Millennials want to experience the authentic parts of a culture, trying new things, and going to the less trafficked locations. They want their trips personalized, unique, and on budget. Western culture travelers expect more technology savvy and all touch point convenience in their traveling.

 When Millennials travel, they aren’t just doing it for their personal enjoyment, they are broadcasting to social media and all their acquaintances, which is why verified authenticity is so important to them.  Blogs, review sights, and travel forums have exploded all over the internet over the past couple of decades.  Due to the increase of visibility and available resources, the travel industry has begun tailoring experiences to meet the millennials needs.  The industry knows that if their consumer has a quality experience, everyone they know will hear about it, either by the media or hearsay.

Unfortunately, I agree with the facts listed throughout the article. To me it paints a pretty accurate picture. I say unfortunately because I think the way we travel, as millennials, is becoming too extreme. For one reason, millennials are traveling more frequently than any other generations in the past.  To me it shocks me how many trips my friends take while being full-time students and only a part time employees. I am confounded about how they can afford it. Obviously saving money and preparing for the future has become less of a focus. They live more in the moment. Last week one of my professors asked the class what our plans were after we graduated.  Out of a class of 30 students, only 3 stated that they’d like to focus on their career or family. The remaining 27 students had something to do with traveling, most interested in international travel. Second, the amount of documentation of someone’s trip frustrates me.  Millennials may travel the world but they see the majority of it through a lens finder.  People are so focused on taking pictures of incredible sights that they aren’t soaking it up. They are there to “show” others what marvelous experiences they are having. They get satisfaction not out of the experience itself back from the feedback they get from others who are envious of their adventures. And when most individuals aren’t in some spectacular setting, they’ll probably be surfing the web out of habit.  Not looking around them, but at a tiny screen.

Although bugged by certain habits of my generation, I am not excluded from them.  I keep setting goals for myself to avoid becoming addicted to my phone. When I’m on vacation I refrain from taking my cell phone with me or having it turned off when on the road. That way I don’t find myself distracted.  I have the philosophy that I only need to capture one photo and then I can enjoy the rest.  I don’t need a hundred photos of the same location, but If I snap one, I’ll remember it.  I am however, very invested in research when it comes to traveling.  I am going to take the time in planning to ensure that I will have the best time available and I am always looking for the best deals.  I do value others opinions and use websites, like trip advisor, very frequently. It’s interesting to see the shift of consequences that advancements in technology have on civilizations across the globe.  The dynamics are constantly changing, and as such, the travel industry must always be adjusting to keep up and obtain success.

Graphic: Expedia

Millennial's expect convenience at all touch-points: fewer confirmation emails to clutter the inbox; being able to book or cancel a holiday last-minute, or even switch names on tickets if need be; having more payment options to divide, amalgamate or otherwise play with costs. Sixty-six percent said they were interested in a service that would allow travelers to split the holiday cost online with another person.

           Photo: Expedia

Millennial's place a high emphasis on technology when it comes to travel. 

Click news article icon above to read full article by Expedia on the Millennial generation and traveling. 

by Tris Heaword October 4, 2016

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Online travel agencies (OTA’s) typically have large amounts of money budgeted towards digital marketing which in return makes their presence well-known across the web. However, in order for a company, whether large or small, to be successful in it’s digital marketing it needs to understand the how and where money should be spent.  It needs to understand the differences in digital marketing channels.

First off NAP consistency is crucial for a hotel. NAP is an acronym for; name, address, and phone.  Each element of NAP should be frequently listed across the web.  It should look professional and be redundant. It should be found in similar locations on different pages of a website. By maintaining an NAP consistency it means the destination is dependable, reachable, and accurate. As a business finding different variations of an NAP would hinder the reliability. Beyond NAP’s, successful website uses tons of quality content such as maps, hotel room information, reviews and various travel details.  Words on the website should be common words that would be typed into search engines like google and bing or through other sources such as blogs. Details of the hotel and the amenities included should be very detailed and specific while also emphasizing your hotel’s unique resources.  Another suggestion is to make websites mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. Lastly, hotels should set clear goals, focus on their strategies, and continually be aware of the latest marketing trends to acquire success.  

Five Minutes With Stephen Taylor: 
Challenges for Travel Marketers

Click on above icon to read entire article

 In my opinion the best way to appeal to a large variety of consumers is to offer all-inclusive packages.  Even if you are just a hotel, you should offer transportation to and from airports.  Commodities such as a continental breakfast, pool, microwave, refrigerators and exercise gyms also catch interest.  When I am looking at two hotels, I will always pick the with the better commodities.  Also,  the hotel should offer travel packages such as tours or excursions.  It is more convenient as a travel to have everything taken care of in one swing.  It is more work for the hotel, but it attracts more guests and allows for more revenue. 

Advertisement should take place on various forms of media and websites.  Facebook, a basic google search, Instagram, travel magazines, the radio, etc.  The more times a consumer runs into your advertisements,by seeing or hearing about your destination the more likely they are going to remember you next time they go to book a trip. 

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