"Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity For Women Worldwide"

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                   For my signature assignment I chose to polish and revise a paper I wrote as reflection to the film "Half the Sky". This film impacted my views on woman cross culturally. I was moved after seeing the horrible lives women in societies other than mine are placed. The first time watching the film, I didn't know what to expect. I'd never heard of the film and thought it was going to be a mainstream documentary. Watching it and then watching it again for my revision however moved me just as much the first time. My perspective continually agreed with the theme of the movie, "turning oppression into opportunity for woman." It was a movie that makes you really think and fight for change. Due to how blessed I am living where I do, in such a privileged society, I chose this particular assignment because I would like for woman to have the same opportunities I do. By writing this reflection, I hope that I can reach my voice out as well, joining with the many, in hopes of making a difference of even one person’s life.

                   Watching the movie for the second time just reassured my opinions on how eye-opening the whole situation is. What made it even more persuasive was that they put "media and government idols" into the film. The four hour series is filled with real people with real situations that leave you interested in finding out more and wanting to fight for their common cause. I found myself connecting the stories to the class Gender and Society as well as other courses. My intercultural communications class especially as it examines cultures across the globe and how they can become suppressed. The film may want me to do drastic measures in countries far from Salt Lake City, but when considering the realist point of what I can actually accomplish it might be more reasonable to start in my local community. The gap between first and third world isn't as big as we think. The film may have showed just a few of the drastic cases but they do exist everywhere and everyday as human experiences. It may be hard to imagine putting myself into their shoes but if I think that the only difference between the children and I is that I got lucky and was born here and they weren’t. They didn't ask to placed into these situations they were forced. The most inspiring and memorable concept you can take out of the film is that it isn't for the purpose to portray depressing stories around the world. It's to illustrate the human capacity of forgiveness, courage, and change of these women. I one hundred percent recommend seeing "Half the Sky".  It will change your perspective and will increase your awareness.


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